Golden Eagle Family Portal Account Creation

VZ Family Programs: Cal State LA: Golden Eagle Family Portal Account Creation

If you have not created a Parent/Family Member/Supporter Account...
...please fill out the form below and click 'Create a New Account' to access the system.


If you have already created a Parent/Family Member/Supporter Account and need to review new topics...
...please visit the sign in page to access your account.

Personal Information

Register Now: Personal Information
* Indicates a required field

My Account

Register Now: My Account
Please provide an e-mail address that you check regularly. We will use this e-mail address to communicate important information to you.
Please type in a password that meets all of the following criteria: 
  • Contains at least 6 characters.
  • Contains at least one english uppercase character (A through Z).
  • Contains at least one english lowercase character (a through z).
  • Contains at least one numeral (0 through 9).
* Indicates a required field